Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Plato - Apology of Socrates: citizens!*
Plato - Apology of Socrates:
Athenian citizens! I do not know what impression you have woken up in the words of my accusers. Have spoken so seductive that, listen, have almost gotten myself dazzle.
Qualities of speaker
However, I want to show you that they have not said anything that fits reality. Although all the falsehoods that have hatched, there is one that leaves me in wonder: the one that says you have to precaveros and not to let me fool, because I am very good at the art of speaking.
And shame even made them blush at the suspicion that I will unmask with facts and not with mere words. Unless they consider that only skilful speaker says and leans against the truth. If that's what you mean, I willingly admit that I am speaker, but never in the sense and in the usual way between them. Although I insist that little, if anything, have said is true.
And, by Zeus, who do not follow racing game with beautiful phrases rounded or well-structured speech, as is typical of his ilk, but I will just simply say the first thing I can think of without digging my words as if it were an improvisation, because I'm so sure of the truth of what I say, I have enough to say the right, the way it is. So anyone of us here expect of me today otherwise. Because, well, at the age that I have would be ridiculous to pretend appear before you with gimmicky parliaments, own more of the youngsters with delusional aspirations to thrive.
Style allegation
After this preamble, I must make, and very seriously, a request. And is that not collect any that I use in my defense a different tone and style to use in the agora, browsing the tables of the money changers, or anywhere where many of you have heard. If you are warned, then why not alborotéis.
Well this is my situation: today is the first time in my long life that I appear before a court in such category like this. So-and I say bluntly I am a stranger to talk uses estilan here. And if it really was one of the many foreigners living in Athens, consentiríais me, and even excusaríais the talking with expression and proper accent where I had grown.
So, I beg you, although I have the right to demand that you do not watch out and imported my ways of talking and expressing myself (I do not doubt that there will be better and worse) and that, conversely, do them attention exclusively on whether or not just say things. Well, in this, the judge, is the role of the judge, and in telling the truth, the speaker.
So what happens is right to defend myself.
First, for the first accusations against me by my propaladas old accusers, then pass to the most recent answer.
The first accusations
You all know that, long ago, my detractors emerged they never said anything true, and it is to them that I fear most, even more than Anitos himself and his troupe, although those are care. But what is more, Athenians, which tomándoos many of you since I persuaded children and falsely accused me saying there is a certain Socrates, wise, dealing with celestial things, which investigates everything under the earth and becomes stronger the weaker argument. They are, from my accusers, to those most afraid, for the bad reputation that I have created and because they have heard are convinced that those who research such matters not believe gods exist. And would add that these accusers are numerous and they are accusing me for many years, with the aggravation that you went to when you were children or adolescents and therefore more easily manipulated, initiating a genuine process against me, advantage that neither I nor any of those who might have to defend myself, were present.
The anonymous accusers
And most disconcerting is that even got the face, making it impossible to know all their names, except for certain playwright [1]. Those, then, moved by envy and playing dirty, tried to convince you to, once convinced, you were persuading others. They are unquestionably difficult to uncover, it is possible for even them up to this podium to show their faces and can be questioned, so I must, as they say, to beat me at shadows and refute their arguments without anyone replicate me.
Convenid, then, with me, that there are two types of prosecutors with whom I must face: one, the oldest, and others, who have accused me recently. So let me start by first rid of the oldest, having been his accusations that came to your knowledge before and during more recent time.
That said, we need to go to start my defense to try to remove from your minds that defamation so long I have fed, and I do it in as little time as I have been granted. This is what I want with my defense, confident that the benefit mine and yours, but I am aware of the difficulty of the task. However, the cause take the paths that are pleasing to the gods. My thing is to obey the law and plead my cause.
Let's go back, then, from the beginning to see what led to this indictment notoriety that I enjoy and that has led to Meletos to start this process with me.
The origin of the bad reputation
Imagine you were a public indictment and hear and recite before the court: "Socrates is guilty because he gets where he does not care, research in the heavens and in the earth. Practice to make the weaker argument stronger [2] and induces many others to act like him. "
A similar find in the comedy of Aristophanes, where a certain Socrates walks around the scene, boasting that floated through the air, releasing thousands nonsense about matters of which I do not understand a bit or anything. And do not say that in a spirit of contempt, lest those present have some amateur to take advantage of such materials and new process Meletos to file against me, as serious crime.
The truth is, O Athenians, that I have nothing to do with such matters. And the vast majority challenge to remember if I have heard my conversations discuss or review such matters, even, that I informéis from each other, from all that I have ever heard, and publiquéis your inquiries. And so you can see that the rest of the charges have been saying about me is are of the same ilk.
Reference to the Sophists
But there is no truth in this, or even if you have been told that I am one of those who try to educate people and charge for it, I can also prove that this is not true. Not that I do not find someone beautiful who knows how to give lessons to others, if they do as Gorgias of Leontini or Pródicos Kea or Hippias of Hélide, ranging from town to town, fascinating to most young people and many others citizens, who could choose freely and free the company of many other citizens and that, however, prefer to leave them to choose you to them for their lessons, why they should pay and, even more, ever get over grateful.
And I've heard out there running one of these sages, Paros natural, that precisely now in our city. He agreed that I met the man who has spent more money with these sophists himself even more than all others combined.
Him - who has two children, as you know - I asked:
-Callias, if instead of being preoccupied with two children, you were by the two foals master key or two steers, it would be easy, with a wage, finding a good caregiver: this should make them fit and beautiful as nature will allow, and sure you choose the most expert connoisseur of horses or a good farmer. But since they are men, who entrust you thought? Who is the expert in education aptitudes of man and of the citizen? Well I guess you're all well studied for the sake of those who have two children. Is anyone ready for such task?
- Of course there is - responded.
- Who, what where?, What do you charge? -Harassing you.
- Oh, Socrates! Evenos is called, is of Paros and charged five pounds.
And I thought this may Evenos can feel happy, if he really has this art and taught so convincingly. If I possessed the gift, what would suit me and proudly proclaim. But really, I do not understand anything about it.
Did any of you at that interpele me: "But then, Socrates, what is your real profession? Whence these rumors have emerged about you? Because if you do not devote to anything out of the ordinary, without getting into it that does not concern you would not have caused this terrible reputation and so contradictory versions about your behavior. Explain yourself at once, to not have to give us our own version. "
This does seem to me reasonable and sensible, and sane, I'll answer it, to make it clear where these frauds have emerged that I have earned a reputation as annoying.
The wisdom of Socrates is simply human
Listen to him. Perhaps some will think that I take a joke, but rest assured that I will only tell the truth. I have reached this popular reputation for a certain kind of wisdom that I own. What is wisdom? Indeed, a characteristic of human wisdom. And it is possible that I am wise, while, conversely, those that I just mentioned may also be wise, but in relation to a wisdom that is perhaps extra-human, or do not know what name to qualify. I speak because I, of course, that I do not possess nor know anything about it, and that propale lying or otherwise or to denigrate says.
The testimony of the god of Delphi
Athenians, not arméis noise because I'm giving seems aggrandizement. I will not tell evaluations about myself, but I am going to refer to the words of someone who deserves your confidence and dealing precisely my wisdom, if I have any, and what their nature. I will introduce the testimony of one god at Delphi. Querefonte certainly know, my friend from youth, companion of many of those present, democratic man. With you shared the exile and returned to you. Well know with what enthusiasm and stubbornness undertook their companies.
Well, on one occasion, look at what you dared: he went to Delphi to make a special consulting the oracle, and I again call for calm, O Athenians! and that I alborotéis. He asked the oracle if the world had someone wiser than me. And the witch replied that there was a higher. All this history can attest Querefonte brother, here, for you know that he is dead.
Let's see what purpose I bring these facts regarding: show you where to dig up the calumnies that have fallen on me.
When this review was knowledgeable of the oracle on me, I started thinking: What does God really say? What does this riddle? For I know very well that I am not wise. What is, then, the claim that I am? And he does not lie, not only true, but not even the sky laws allow it.
Ignorance of politicians
For a long time I worried about knowing what his intentions were and indeed what he meant. Later on, with much displeasure I began to decipher as follows. I walked a while thoughtfully and finally went into the house of one of our fellow citizens that we all have to be wise, convinced that this was the best place to leave clarified the prediction, because I thought, "This is wiser than me and you said I I was more than all. "
I do not collect any say your name, suffice it to say that it was a renowned politician. And on examination, behold what I experienced there: I had the first impression that seemed much wiser than others and, above all, he would have believed, but actually was not. I tried to make him see that he had the wisdom to have boasted. This not only won his grudge me, but also that of their friends.
And I left, telling me to my senses: either know nothing, but I am the wiser, because I, at least, I admit. So I think in this little dot, right, yes I am much wiser than he: I do not know, do not presume to know.
And from there go to greet another who enjoyed even greater fame as above and came to the same conclusion. And I malquisté with him and his acquaintances.
But I stopped. I was interviewing one after another, knowing that I only entail new enmities, but I felt compelled to get to the bottom to avoid leaving unsolved the message of God. Should call all the doors of those who were called wise provided decipher the mysteries of the oracle.
And vote for the dog! -And I swear that I'm starting to bring out the truth-that this was the only conclusion: those who were reputed or considered themselves to be the wisest, was to find most lacking wisdom, while others passing by lower exceeded them.
Let me relate how I was that my pilgrimage, which, like emulating the labors of Hercules, I conducted to make sure that the oracle was irrefutable.
Ignorance of poets
After politicians, poets harass, I interviewed all with what they write poems, with dithyrambs composing or practicing any literary genre, with the conviction that I would be here if I be completely overtaken by far more ignorant than one any of them. So choosing which seemed his best works, I was wondering what they meant. Trying to decipher the oracle and, at the same time be learning something from them.
Yes, people, I'm ashamed to tell you the truth, but you have to say it: any of those present would have explained a lot more about them than their authors. Well I soon found that the work of poets is not fruit of wisdom, but of certain natural gifts, and who write under inspiration, as happens to the prophets and diviners, who utter phrases intelligent and beautiful, but nothing is the result of his intelligence and often send messages without realizing what they are saying. I think something happens in the spirit of the poets. However, I noticed that the poets, because of this gift of the Muses, believe the wisest of men and not only these things, but in all other, but in fact they were not.
And I walked away from there, was also convinced that above them, the same which had already overtaken politicians.
Ignorance of artisans
Finally, I went in search of artisans, fully convinced that I knew nothing and that they would find many useful knowledge. And certainly I was right: they understood in things I know, therefore, in this respect, were much more experienced than me, no doubt.
But I soon discovered that artisans suffered from the same defect as the poets by the fact that well-mastered technique and performed either a trade, each thought understood not only in this but in other professions, although they were very complicated things. And this arrogance, in my opinion, spoiled all they knew.
I was a mess, because trying to interpret the oracle, I asked myself if I should judge me as I looked - and wise in his wisdom, neither ignorant of their ignorance - or have the two things that they possessed.
And I said to myself and to the oracle, I went out a lot cheaper to stay as I am.
The truth of the oracle
In short, O Athenians, as a result of this survey, first, I made many enemies and deep hatreds and bitter as any, that have caused this wise aura that have graced me and have turned many calumnies . Indeed, those who attend one of my accidentally gatherings perhaps imagine that I presume to be wise in those matters in which I submit for consideration to the other, but in reality, only God is wise, and what is meant by the oracle it's just that human wisdom is worth little or nothing to their wisdom. And if I put myself as a model because it has served to put my name as an example, as if to say: Among you is the wisest, O men!, Like Socrates he who has come to realize that wisdom really is nothing.
So, simply go back and forth, searching in all I seem wise, following the indication of God, to see if I find a satisfaction to his enigma, whether citizens or foreigners Athenians. And when I discover that they are not, thus contributed to be an instrument of God.
Busy in such need, it seems that I've been wandering and I squandered my time, neglecting the affairs of the city, and even my family, living in abject poverty by the god deal prefer.
The disciples
Moreover, there has emerged a group of young people who follow me spontaneously, because they have more free time, preceded by wealthy families, enjoying to see how to submit to questioning my partners, and more than once they have been examining them to imitate people. And it is true that they have found a good group of people who strut to know much but actually know little or nothing. And therefore examined citizens and they desembaucados by encoraginan against me - and not against themselves, that would be the most logical - and here comes the rumor that runs around a character named Socrates, was ghastly and evil, corrupting the youth of our city.
When someone asks what I teach not really know what to say, but not to make a fool take hold of the topics on the new philosophers, "investigating what is on the sky and under the earth, who do not believe in gods and they know to make stronger harass the weakest arguments. " This, rather than tell the truth, it's a very clear: they have a smattering of knowledge, but they do not really know anything about anything. And, in my opinion, are touchy and picky people, in addition to numerous, that when they speak of me are passionate and heated up, I have ears slanderous serious - for a long time fed.
The origin of complaints
Among these is where Meletos have emerged and their accomplices, and Lycon Anitos. Meletos, representing the resentful poets Anitos, in defense of the craftsmen and politicians, and Lycon, on behalf of the speakers.
So I marvel, as I said before, that in the short time that I give to my defense was able to dispel slander so well entrenched.
This is, O Athenians, the truth of what happened, and I have spoken without hiding or concealing anything important or not. However, I'm sure I'm thus garnering new enmities; slander after me and these are the causes. And if now, or at another time, you want to search it out, the facts will confirm that it is.
It referred to the allegations put forward by my early detractors, so had enough for my defense before you.
Meletos interrogation
Now therefore plays Meletos defend myself, honest and enthusiastic patriot Meletos as it is confessed, and with it the rest of my recent accusers.
The accusation of corruption
Let's see what the accusation sworn them - and it is the second time we found it, and give him a text, as to the first. The record would read: "Socrates is guilty of corrupting the youth, not to acknowledge the gods of the city and, by contrast, holds strange beliefs and new divinities".
The accusation is this. Let us, therefore, to examine each of the charges.
I am accused, first, that I corrupt the youth.
I contend, however, that it is the actual offender Meletos, acting so lightly in matters as serious as inmates become honest citizens, opening a process under the guise of pro man and pretending to be concerned about problems never have worried. And this is so, I will try hacéroslo see.
Who makes men better?
Come, Meletos, and answer me: Is not it true that it is very important to you that young people become their best?
-Turn then, and once explained to the judges, here, who is it that makes them better. It is evident that you know, since you say it is a matter that concerns you. And also boast of having discovered the man that has corrupted, which, as you say, it's me, making me appear in court to accuse. Come on then, tell them once and who it is that makes them better. I see, Meletos, you keep quiet and do not know what to say. Is not this shameful and sufficient proof that you never have troubled you with these problems? But come on, man, tell us once and who makes them better or worse.
'But if that's not what I'm asking you, my friend, but what is the man, whoever he is, it assumes that the laws are already known.
-Oh yeah, Socrates, I have it. Those are the judges.
- Did I hear correctly, Meletos? What do you mean? What these men are able to educate young people and make them better?
-Neither more nor less.
- How? Everyone? Or some and not others?
-All, without exception.
- By Hera!, You express yourself beautifully. How great is the number of benefactors, who as you serve this need ...! And the assistant public here, does it better or worse for our youth?
- And board members?
-Those too.
'Now, aclárame one thing: will then Meletos, those gathered in assembly, the assembly, which corrupt the youth? Or do they, as a whole, make them better?
Clearly, yes.
-It seems clear, therefore, that all the Athenians help our youth make better. Well, all but one, who am I the only one who corrupts our youth. Is that what you mean?
Grave is my misfortune, if that's the truth. Would it be the same if it were tame horses and everyone, except one, were able to tame and only one was able to drive them to lose? Or rather, is not the opposite? That one is only able to improve them, or very few, and most, as the ride, soon addicted? Do not work that way, Meletos in horses and the other animals? Undoubtedly, ye or you do not agree, and you Anitos. What good luck for young people if only one could corrupt and the rest help them become better! But the reality is quite different. And it never looks too worried you have such issues and that there are other that have motivated me to appear before this Court did. But, by Zeus, still tell us: what is better, to live among honest citizens or between evil? Ea man responds, nor ask you anything special. Is not that the wicked are a threat and can cause any harm, today or tomorrow, those who live with them?
- Is there a man who prefers to be harmed by their neighbors, or all prefer to be favored? Keep answering Meletos honored, because, well, the law requires you to answer: is there anyone who prefers to be damaged?
-No, of course.
The damage done was it voluntary or involuntary?
'Now then: I've brought here with the accusation that I corrupt the youth and that do worse. And this, I do it voluntarily or involuntarily?
-Very knowing what you do, no doubt.
-And you, Meletos, you're still so young, do you get past experience and wisdom to the point have realized that the wicked always produce some harm to people trying, and good, any good? And I think in such a degree of ignorance, not knowing if someone turn into evil of those who deal daily, running the risk of receiving a poor pace of his hand, and even then this big damage intentionally ?
This Meletos, I do not believe you do not think you'll find the one to swallow: I'm not that corrupts the youth and, if so, would involuntarily and thus, in both cases, you're wrong or lie.
And if I corrupt prove that I certainly would have to concede that I do it involuntarily. And in this case, the law requires notice to alleged offender privately, instruct and admonish, rather, of a sudden, take you directly to the Court. For it is evident that once warned and come to your senses, it would stop what he was doing unconsciously say ... But you have always shied away from meeting me, even just to talk or to correct me, and has chosen to bring me right here, where it should be brought to those who deserve punishment and not those who will appreciate a correction. Clearly, Meletos, you do not have much or little imported these problems you say you care.
Are the Gods?
Let's clarify something: Tell us how I corrupt the young. -Not if we keep the record of the complaint-teaching not honor the gods that city worshiped other gods and substituting new? Is, by this, so that I corrupt?
-This is exactly what I am saying.
-So, and by those same gods we are talking, explain clearly to the judges and to me, because there is something not quite understand. O teach me to believe that there are some gods and, in this case, by no means am an atheist nor delinco or say you do not believe in the gods of the state but in other different, so you accuse me, or rather, hold do not believe in any god and also instill these ideas to others.
'That's what I say that you do not accept any kind of gods. [3]
-Ah, Meletos surprising, why say such extravagance? Or do you not consider gods to the sun and the moon, as they believe the rest of the men?
- By Zeus! Know, O judges, which says: The Sun is a stone and the moon is earth.
- Do you think you are accusing Anaxagoras, my good Meletos? Or do you despise the present to the point of considering them as little scholars to ignore the books of Anaxagoras the Clazomenio, full of such theories? And, indeed, will the youth go to waste time listening to my mouth so you can learn for less than a drachma, buying these works in any of the stores next to the orchestra and to laugh after Socrates if he pretend submit these claims as its own, especially and also being so foolish? But, by Jove, is such impression I've caused you think I do not admit the gods, absolutely no god?
-Yes, and also, by Zeus!: You do not believe in gods.
-Amazing thing where you say, Meletos. So incredible that not just creértela yourself. I'm convinced, gentlemen, that this man is a brash and reckless and in a fit of intemperance, his own youthful thoughtlessness, presented this accusation. It seems that we are formulating a puzzle to prove: "Let's see if this Socrates, as smart and wise, he realizes that I'm being set up, and not only him, but also to everyone here, because in his statement, I see clearly that gets to contradict. "
It's like saying: "Socrates is guilty of not believing in the gods, but believes that there are." Therefore tell me if this seems a joke and very little grace. Examine me, gentlemen, why I think that says this. You, Meletos, answers, and to you, as I've been warning from the start, I beg you to give attention, avoiding whispers that keep using the kind of speech that is typical me.
Is there any man in the world, oh Meletos, who believes that there are human things, but that does not believe in the existence of male-specific? That answer once and stop grumbling sneak. Is there anyone who does not believe in horses, but did admit, however, the existence of equine qualities? Or who does not believe in the flute players, but there is an art of playing the flute? No one, my friend.
And since you do not want, or do not know answer, I will answer for you and for the rest of the Assembly: Do you admit or not, and with you the rest, which may exist without existing deities while concrete gods and geniuses?
- What have you done great for me with your post, but has been pulled reluctantly! With it you say that I believe in divine qualities, new or old, and taught to believe in them, according to your statement, supported by oath. Then, you have to accept that I also believe in specific deities, is not it? Because shut up, I think that nod.
And now let us continue the argument. Is not it true that we have the belief that geniuses are gods or sons of gods? Do you agree, yes or no?
-I am.
-So, if I believe in the gods, as you recognize, and gods are gods, then it is quite clear that you intend to submit an enigma and make fun of us because you claim, first, that I do not believe in gods and, second, that I believe in the gods, since I believe in the gods. And if they are daughters of the gods, but they were his bastard daughters, gotten of concubinage with nymphs or any other being, as is usually said, 'who, from the sensible, admit that there are children of gods, but There are no gods? It would be so foolish as to admit that there may be children of horses and donkeys, that is, mules, but they refused, at the same time, there are horses and donkeys.
What happens, Meletos, is that either you intended to stay with us, testing us your riddle, or, in fact, had not found anything really serious to accuse. And I doubt you find some fool out there, with so little judgment, to think that a person can believe in demons and gods and at the same time not believe in demons or gods or geniuses. It is absolutely impossible.
So I have made it clear that I am not guilty, if you stick to the charge Meletos. With that said, enough is enough.
The Conduct of Socrates
But, as I said wearily, there is much animosity against me, and there are many who support it. You can be sure that that's true. And that is what will motivate my sentence. [4] No such inconsistencies and Anitos Meletos but malice and envy of many people. Things have already lost too many causes to many good men and that will continue to lose, for I am sure that this plague will not stop with my sentence.
Perhaps some of you, inside, is taunting me: "Are not you ashamed, Socrates, see you got into this mess because of your occupation, that is taking you to the end of endangering your own life?"
To these I would answer, and convinced by the way: You're wrong completely, my friend, a man with courage at least should not be concerned about these potential risks of death, but must consider only the honesty of their actions, whether they result A man just or unjust. Well, according to your reasoning, would have been unworthy the lives of those who died at Troy demigods, especially the son of the goddess Thetis, who had so little to death if they had to live shamefully he so despised the dangers in his burning desire to kill Hector to avenge the death of his friend Patroclus, he ignored his mother, the goddess, when he said: "My son, if you come the death of your companion Patroclus and kill Hector, you yourself shall die because your fate is linked to yours. " Instead, he had a little death and danger and fearing more cowardly than the living death to avenge a friend, said: "I'd rather die here, having punished the murderer, they stay alive, teased and downs, being land useless burden, dragging along to the ships. " Was worried because of the dangers and death?
The honor
And rightly so, Athenians. Whoever occupies a place of responsibility, believing that it is better, or because you have placed beyond those in authority, must stand firm, resisting the dangers, regardless of death or at all other concerns, except his own honors.
So shameful and much worse would be my conduct, if I, who always stayed at since I was given my bosses, I faced the risk of dying, as many others did, obedient to the strategists that ye did you choose in campaigns Potidea, Amphipolis and Delion, now, I am fully convinced that it is a god sent me to live seeking wisdom, examining myself and others, right now, I would have left overcome by fear of death or any other hardship and had deserted the position assigned. It would, without question, much more dishonorable, and yes it would make me worthy of someone dragged me to the courts for not believing in the gods, because they disobeyed the oracle, for fear death and believe without being wise .
The fear of death
Indeed, the fear of death is nothing to believe without being wise: it is presumed to know something that is unknown. For no one knows what death is and whether, ultimately, it is the greatest good that can happen to a human being. However, men dread like they really know that is the worst of evils. And how will not be reprehensible ignorance why one does not know what he says?
But I, Athenians, perhaps at this point I differ from the rest of us, and if I was forced to say what I am wiser, I would say this: I feel wiser because, knowing what really happens in the Hades, do not presume to know. Before, however, I know and I dare to claim that it is wrong and shameful to live unjustly and disobeying a superior, whether God or man. I fear, therefore, the evils that are such a positive, but the things I do not know if they are good or evil, fear not, nor rehuiré cope.
Socrates denies his conduct
So, although I absolvierais, Anitos dismissing accusations that demanded my appearance before this Court and asked my death sentence, telling them that, if he was acquitted, your children would be in danger of my teaching practice and all fall into the corruption, if me, after all this, I should say: "Socrates, we do not want to heed Anitos and absolve you, but with the condition that citizens do not bother and leave your philosophy, if you find another time engaged in such duties, then condemn you to death. " If you absolvierais me with this condition, I reply, I appreciate your interest and appreciation, Athenians, but I prefer to hearken to God that you, and while I have breath and strength do not fail me, keep in mind that I will not stop with my inquietaros interrogations and discuss everything that interests me, I meet with anyone, in the manner that I have you already used.
Even add: O thou man of Athens and good friend, citizen of the polis largest and renowned for its intellectuality and his might, are not ashamed of being obsessed with maximizing your wealth and with it, your fame and honors, and neglect the wisdom and greatness of spirit, without worrying enlarge them? And if any of you and I discussed presumed to worry about such things, I will not let go, and I will turn away from him, but I will submit my questions and examine him, and if I think it is not in possession of virtue, but claims otherwise, I'll blame it appreciates little or nothing which deserves more esteem, and it prefers the most vile and despicable.
This will be my way of working with all who cross me in our streets, young or old, or Athenian stranger, but preferably with my countrymen, because we have a common blood. Know that this is what God sends me. Enteraos well: I am convinced that nothing better has not happened to this cop that my work in the service of God.
Indeed, I have another mission or office than walking the streets to persuade young and old that we should not worry about the body nor riches, but, as I said recently, for getting our the best possible spirit, insisting that virtue does not come from wealth, but on the contrary, that the wealth and the rest of the category of goods and a person comes from virtue, which is the source of wealth for oneself and for the public good. And for saying this if I corrupt the youth, my activity should be condemned as harmful, but if someone says that I teach other things, he deceives and is intended to deceive.
In summary, then, O Athenians, to believe or not believe him Anitos I absolváis or declaréis me guilty, I can not do otherwise, but I condenarais thousand times to die.
Socrates is defined as the "gadfly"
Do not get nervous, Athenians, and stop stirring up, please, as I have repeated many times, so you can hear me, because I am convinced that you will benefit if you do not interrupt me. I have to add something that might even cause you much that you have to express to screaming, but avoid it if you can.
If you kill me for being what I am, is not I who chastise nor the slightest damage infringís but yourselves. Well to me, nor can ocasionarme Anitos Meletos or no harm, although it proposed. How can they do, if I am fully convinced that an evil man can never harm a righteous man? I do not deny that they can achieve my death sentence, banishment, or the loss of civil rights, penalties for many of them can be of great evil, but I think they are not at all. Rather I think it is much worse to do what he does now: trying to convict an innocent man. So I am very far from what one might have been believed: that I'm trying to do my own defense. On the contrary, what I do is to you to defend yourself, to condemn, do not make a mistake defying the gift of God. For if you kill me, hardly find another man like me, whom God has placed over the city, but the simile seems ridiculous, as the gadfly that sits on the horse, lazy, but noble and strong, you need a stinger for arrearle. So, I've been placed on the city by order of God to have you alert and correct you, not to encourage anyone all day wandering the streets and squares.
A man like me not return unto find, Athenians, so if I hicierais case conservaríais me. If, as angry and shocked by the sting of an annoying gadfly, docile to the promptings of Anitos impulsively kill me a hard slap, will spend the rest of your life in peace without anyone disturb your dreams, unless God, concerned for you, send you to another like me.
Poverty test
I can convince you that I am a gift of God to this city for the following: does not seem very human that lived neglected all my affairs and interests and which for many years has had abandoned my property and, instead, has been always taking care of what is yours, being interested for each deal of goodness and virtue, as if I were her father or brother. And if these activities take out a profit or do these exhortations for pay, still have some way to justify what I do. But you can see yourself that despite accumulated many reproaches against me by this throng of accusers, have not had the audacity to suggest that I have ever taken any remuneration. And I'm telling the truth presented to the best and most reliable of witnesses: my poverty and mine.
The voice of "daimon"
Maybe you find a contradiction which I have spent my life urging private citizens and I have gotten into so much trouble, without daring to intervene in public life and to participate in your assemblies for the good of the city.
The explanation lies in what I have heard so many times and in various places: it gives me a voice, a divine manifestation or genius, that often comes over me. There is even talk of it in the charge of Meletos, even scornfully. It is a voice that has accompanied me since childhood and is felt to desaconsejarme some actions, but never to push myself to undertake other. This is the cause that prevented me from intervening in politics, which has discouraged me, I think, very reasonably. Because you can be sure: if I had gotten into politics, because it would be long dead and thus would not be useful, or you, or myself.
The departure from politics
And do not irritéis against me because I tell the truth, again. No one who can save your life, if you oppose boldly or any other assembly and strives to prevent the many injustices and irregularities committed in any city. Consequently, whoever fight for justice should bear in mind, if you want to live long, you settle for a life of retirement and did not deal with public affairs.
And I will give strong evidence that, not with words, but with what is strongest for any auditorium, with the facts. Let me tell you an episode of my life, it will show that I never yield to injustice for fear of death and the fear of death is powerless to make me give up something that is contrary to justice. I am about to relate things heavy and boring perhaps, in the manner of lawyers, but all true.
The case of Arginusae
I have not exercised in public office more than once: I was a member of the Council when my tribe, Antiochis, presided over the trial of the ten strategists who had collected the bodies of the soldiers killed in the Battle of Arginusa; You wanted to judge all together, which was against our laws, as later shown. So myself and against all prytaneis, I opposed you to do something against the law and voted against all. And even though the speakers, encouraged by your protests and your passion, a process requiring open myself to take me to court, I thought it was far better to be part of the law and justice, although that grave dangers supusiera me that put me on your side in search of assurances, if so would go against justice or was motivated by the fear of death or imprisonment. This occurred when Athens was ruled by a democratic regime.
The case of Leon of Salamis
Later, under the oligarchy of Thirty, I was asked, along with four others, to introduce me to the Tolos, there we ordered we were at Salamis to find Leon, strategist, and join me with his death. Such missions entrusted to many others for the more able to engage in criminal governance. And then I went to show, not with words, but with deeds, than death, I say it bluntly, I do not mind in the least, while not committing unjust actions is for me the most important. Not even that regime, which boasted hard, and indeed it was, could bend me to commit a wrongful act. When we left the Tolos, the other four went to Salamis to meet such an unjust order and bring Leon, but I went quietly home. It is therefore quite possible that he had already found then death, but that regime fell soon after. From all this many of you are witnesses.
The educational task
Well: do you believe that I have lived many years if I had engaged in politics, if, behaving as befits his honesty who puts their interests, the defense would have made my commitment to justice, putting, as it should be, above all else? Far from it, Athenians, nor any other that you try this.
But I, for my entire life, both in matters of public interest that I intervened and in private, I have always been the same and I have never acted against justice, nor have they allowed to do that my accusers called my disciples , or others.
But, although I have never been anyone's teacher, if anyone, young or old, has felt desire to hear me or watch me, I have never refused. Man I'm not speaking for money or if I get street. I am fully available both the rich and the poor, to ask me all they want, and all you can compare what I say. I have never refused to talk. And if any, for all that, a man becomes better or worse, I can not award me the credit or the blame, for he never promised anyone any instruction nor in fact I taught. So if someone says he has learned some lessons because mine has received, whether private or public, you can be sure that you are lying.
But I ask: "Why do people like to talk to me?" I have told you already, Athenians, and this is the only truth: they find it intriguing to see how they questioned the wise boast, but in fact are not. I argue that this is the mandate I have received of genius, in dreams, through oracles or any of the normal means of a god usually served to assign a man on a mission. That's the truth and it is not difficult to prove. If I had left a trail of corrupted youth, and even now the corrupting outside, it is natural that some, or all, would be here today to accuse and demand punishment, and if they do not dare, parents or siblings would come to their place, considering that it has caused damage to a family member.
Testimony from relatives
On the contrary, I see many of them sitting among you: first Crito, my age and the same demos, Critobulus father, also present here, then Lysanias Esfeto district, father of Aeschines, who is here also: behold with Antiphon, Cefisia district, Epigenes father, and those others whose brothers have been present in the conversations alluded: Nicostratus, Teozótides son, and brother of Theodotus-Theodotus died and therefore can not testify- ; Paralio, Demodocus son, whose brother was Téages; Adeimantus the son of Ariston, Plato's brother, there present, and Ayantodoro, brother of Apollodorus, present there. I could quote you many more, even himself could Meletos as witnesses of his suit, and if he did through carelessness or neglect, do it now, to see if you find someone to corroborate some of his points. But the opposite comprobaréis, Athenians: everyone is willing to testify on behalf of that has been his corrupter, which has destroyed their families, according Anitos and ensure Meletos.
It might be possible that the corrupt and had some secret reason to assist me and share my responsibility, but not corrupt and who are older than them, their relatives, what motives may have to help me, but Meletos Anitos and are lying and I'm on the right?
I've said enough, Athenians. All I can add in self defense would add nothing to what has already been, could add other things but, more or less, be of the same style.
Socrates refuses to use emotional resources
Perhaps someone will be outraged to remember that in other cases unless the defendant mounted begged and pleaded with the judges to tears, brought before the Court by their children to awaken compassion, and if terciaba, relatives and family, while I Instead, do not do any of these things, even though I'm running, as seen, the greatest danger. It may be that some, remembering those cases, take to me an attitude of defiance and, irritated by my behavior, register your vote with anger.
Well if any of you given this situation (not saying that is given, only analyze this possibility), I have prepared the answer. My friend, you would say, well I have a family and I can apply what Homer: "I was not born or an oak or rock", but of men. I have family and even three children, one teenager and two young children. And yet, none of them let you get on this stage to beg you to vote for acquittal.
Why can not I do anything about this? It's not bragging, let alone for lack of consideration for you. That after death confronts firmly or weakness, that is another matter. But my good name and yours, which is to our city, at my age does not seem honest dip into any of these resources, let alone address the widespread view that Socrates differs from most men. If any of the noted for their courage or intelligence or any other virtue behave in this way, something bad would. 've Ever seen some of those who are considered important, when they are being judged and suffer any penalty or fear death itself: its behavior is inexplicable me, it seems that they are convinced that if they can not be condemned to death, then we will forever be immortal. These are the disgrace and shame of our city, because they can make the aliens believe that citizens who distinguished honors and chose to occupy the magistracies not differ in any of the women. Those scenes, Athenians, we should not make those who have some prestige, and if they occur, you must not allow them: rather must be willing to demonstrate to condemn whoever offers the sad spectacle of begging compassion of his judges, leaving ridiculous to the city.
But apart from the question of my good name, nor does it seem worth begging the judges and being acquitted by compassion purchased, must not merely state the facts and try to persuade, not to beg. Well the jury is set to deliver justice as if it were favors, but to decide what is right in each case, and those who have sworn to judge rightly interpret the laws, not to favor those who fall well.
Therefore, we can not afford ourselves perjury, or others, because we would become guilty of impiety. Do not expect, therefore, to resort to tricks me or actions that are not straight and fair, especially now, oh, by Zeus, I'm here accused of impiety by Meletos. Well obviously if with supplications I came to convince or force you to miss your oath, you teach to think that there is no god and, thus, with my defense, which would in fact would condemn myself for not believing in the gods.
But no, far from it: I believe in the gods, as any of my accusers. So, gentlemen, leave it in your hands and in those of the gods to decide what will be best for me and for you.
Socrates is convicted.
Review of the judgment
I was not surprised or outraged, O Athenians, this sentence you have just sealed with your vote. Among other reasons, because I have not unexpected result, but rather surprises me that there was such a large number of votes in my favor, did not suspect that would be resolved well, but I expected a lot more votes against me. You can see that the results would have been upset if only thirty people have voted my acquittal.
For one thing, the Meletos charge, according to the accounts that I've done, I've been fully acquitted, not only that, without the appearance of Anitos and Lycon, Meletos seems clear that it would have been sentenced to pay a fine of a thousand drachmas for failing to achieve the fifth of the votes required.
The counterproposal
Now, this man proposed the death penalty for me. Well, what I'm going to do opposed, Athenians? Certainly, I will propose what I deserve. What what? What penalty or punishment I have to suffer for having stubbornly insisted on not wanting a quiet and comfortable life, for neglecting what worries most people, their property, their personal interests, the management of hosts, the speeches in the Assembly, the public office-, to remain neutral and turns coalitions, considering that I'm too honest to emerge unscathed if I intervene in politics? I've never dealt with things that they could not report any use to you or me, and I've always preferred to do the greatest good to everyone, trying to convince him to apply his energies to seek wisdom before their own interests, and that occupied the state rather than the interests of the State, and thus proceed in all matters.
Maintenance at the expense of the State
Now, what do I suffer for all this? Certainly, some good, Athenians, if you really have to be fair and act on the merits. What may well be more appropriate for a poor benefactor who need all the time possible to give advice to their fellow citizens? Surely there is a reward only to do justice to these credentials: keep off the state in Prytaneum, and with more merit than any winner of a horse race or car or chariot pairs held in Olympia. Well while I do believe they give you happiness, I will do really happy and on the other hand, they do not need your pension and I do. In short, I suggest if you really deserve condemnation as justice, that is what I propose: be kept off the state in Prytaneum.
What would be a fair punishment?
Maybe hearing this proposition and see the tone you use, you will repeat in the same impression as when he spoke of using tears and prayers, that you seem arrogant my behavior. But this is not my intention, Athenians, this is the only truth I have no awareness of having done voluntarily never hurt anyone, although I have not been able to convince most of you, because it has not been enough time for it.
Well I think if you were law between what is customary in other towns, ie in matters of capital punishment not to pass judgment on the day of judgment, but one or several days later, I am convinced that you achieve convincing, but now is not easy to dismiss such serious charges in such a short space of time.
Being convinced, as I am, of not doing harm to anyone unjustly, it is logical that I do not myself talking like I deserve punishment or condemn me to myself.
What do I have to fear? Maybe suffering what Meletos proposed against me, which, I repeat, do not even know if it's a good or bad? Will I decantarme to things that I know are bad and propose some punishment against me specifically? Maybe jail? Why do I have to lock myself in a prison, at the mercy of those who will occupy annually by the Eleven, who are the watchmen?
Or maybe I should propose a fine and imprisonment until you have paid the last installment? We are in the same thing should always be in jail, because I have to pay.
Do I condemn to exile? Perhaps this is worth more to you than meets you. [5] But it should be very close to life and very blind not to see that if you, my countrymen, you could not withstand my questioning and my talks, but I have been annoying to the point of wanting to rid yourself of them, you how can I expect strangers more generously support them?
Clearly not endure, Athenians. And, will show mine! In my years running from Athens, wandering from city to city, becoming a poor exile. I know that would come anywhere young people to listen with pleasure, like here. But if rejected, would be they who would pray to their elders of his city exiled me, and if took her in, would their parents and families who would not stop to make my life impossible and would have to flee.
I hear the voice of someone who advised me: "But Socrates, will you not be able to live peacefully, quietly, away from us?" This is the greatest sacrifice you can ask me, because it would be disobeying the god and I could never stay quiet if renounce my mission. And although I do not believe and think that I speak evasively, I must tell you that the greatest good for a human is to keep the ideals of virtue by word and dealing with various issues, examining myself and others, for a life without examination of self and others is not worth living for any man, believe me or not. Things are well, although I know how hard it is to convince.
Offering a fine
Nor am among those who gladly accept wrongful convictions. If I left over the money, I would have a fine bearable, it did not represent a loss for me. But as I have, you who must assess the fine. Perhaps, searching, could pay you up to a silver mine. This is the sum that I propose. Some of these, like Plato, Crito and Critobulus, urging me to raise the fine up to thirty mines, they are keepers. I therefore propose that this new addition. And they will have in total about credit guarantors.
Socrates was condemned to death.
Case Rating
Not wanting to wait a little longer, I will wear, Athenians, the notoriety of having caused the death of Socrates, a wise man will tell you to shame because I was wise, but I'm not. If you had waited a little longer, it would have reached the same outcome, but in a natural way; Consider the age I have and how I have traveled the road of life and death which close round. This does not go for everyone, but only for those who have condemned me to death.
And I have something else they have to say: perhaps think, gentlemen, that I have been convicted or lack of reasons for the poverty of my speech, I mean the kind of speech that I have not used, who uses all kinds resources in order to escape the danger. Nothing is further from the truth. Yes, I missed by a lack, but not of words but of courage and daring, and refuse to speak to you in the way you would have liked, singing lamentations and saying many things unexpected unworthy in me, though ye used to hear them in others. But I never believed that it was necessary to get to the dishonor to avoid the dangers, and now I regret having defended well, for I prefer to die for having defended as I have to live through means unworthy in my defense.
Clearly, many in combat escape from death because they leave their weapons and beg the forgiveness of enemies. All hazards can be avoided in many ways, especially by those who are willing to surrender. But the hardest thing is not escape death, but to avoid the evil that runs much faster than death. To me, I am old and I'm clumsy, death caught me while my accusers, who are still young and agile, they will be trapped by the evil. I'm going out of here sentenced to death for your vote, but you will march full of evil and wickedness, accused by the truth. I stick to my conviction, but you will have to support you also yours. Maybe then things had to happen, and I think so are fine as they are.
The prediction
Now let me predict what will happen to you that you have condemned me, for I am about to die and now is when men are more endowed with the gift of prophecy. I predict that after my death will come upon you, by Zeus, a punishment far harder than I have just infringing. I have condemned in the hope of being free to respond to your actions, but I will prophesy that the accounts will be a lot in reverse: every day will increase the number of those requiring explanation of your actions, who until now I have been able contain, but not advertíais you, and therefore will be harder the younger and therefore more demanding, so it will live even more angry. You are sadly mistaken if you believe that the best way that I desembarazaros of reproach is to kill. This is not the most honest way to shut the mouths of those who trouble you, there is another much easier: not harming others and improve own behavior as much as possible.
With these predictions, like an oracle, I say goodbye to those who rated my death. And now I want to address those who have absolved me, talking about what has happened here, hoping that the judges have just bustling with these issues and bring me to where I wait for death. Abide, Athenians, with me as long as it lasts, because nothing prevents us from talking. I would like to discuss with you, as friends are, my interpretation of what I just experienced.
The last post
Oh judges!, And I call judges quite properly, for having been with me. Something amazing happened to me today: the voice of the daimon, previously I had so often to oppose issues, even minimal, if believed would act lightly, today I was alerted to the presence of any evil, although I found the death, which the majority is the worst that can happen to a person. Not to leave the house this morning, and when she went up to the Court, or at any time of my apology has prevented me keep talking, whatever he said, when at other times came to take my word on half of the reasoning, which was talking.
What explains this? Let me give you my interpretation: consider this a proof that what just happened to me is my right and, therefore, our assumptions are not valid when we consider death as the ultimate evil. This is the most compelling reason to convince it otherwise, if I was coming off a bad and not good, that voice of genius would have objected to the course of events.
What is death?
I can still add new reasons to convince you that death is not a misfortune, but a chance. One of two things: either death leaves us to nothing, with no possibility of any kind of feeling, or, according to what some say, it is simply a change or removal of the soul from this place to another.
If death is the extinction of all desire and a good night's sleep, without dreams, what gain would be wonderful! In my opinion, if we are forced to choose from a dreamless night but slept soundly, and other nights with dreams or other days of your life, if after a good reflection we had to decide what days and what nights have been the happiest, I think everyone, not just any normal person, but even the very king of Persia, would find few moments comparable to the first. If death is similar, is argue that most of the profits, for all eternity appears to us as one of those nights.
On the other hand, if death is simply a change of place and if, moreover, it is true what they say, that the dead are all together, are you able, O judges, to imagine some greater good? Well, to get to the kingdom of Hades, freed from those who call themselves judges here, we will find the real judges, who, they say, there continue to exercise their functions: Minos, Rhadamanthus and Triptolemus, and a whole long list of demigods they were fair in life. And what I say to be able to meet with Orpheus, Musaeus, Hesiod and Homer? What power would not pay anyone for talking to these heroes? As far as I'm concerned, a thousand times rather be dead, if such things are true.
How wonderful for me to meet with Palamedes, with Ajax, son of Telamon, and all the heroes of the past, they also victims of unfair trials so many! If only to compare their experiences with mine, I would be satisfied. My greatest pleasure would spend days interrogating down there, as I have done with my life from here on earth, to see who among them are genuine scholars and who believe that they are, without being so in reality. What price pagaríais not, O judges, to examine those who conducted numerous army against Troy, or Odysseus or Sisyphus, or many men and women that now I can not quote? Being with them, enjoy their company and question them, that would be the height of my happiness. In any case, I believe in hell not take me to trial and condemned to death for me ply my trade. They are there, much happier than the people here, among other reasons, for being immortal, if it's true what they say.
You also, O my judges, you must have good hope before death and convince you of one thing: there is no wrong way to a good man, not in this life, or after the reign of death, and that the gods ever neglect the affairs of men righteous. What has happened to me is not the result of causality, on the contrary, I see clearly that to die and be free of hustle was best for me.
For that reason I have never deterred the voice of genius, but also for that reason I am not angry with my accusers nor against those who have condemned me, but none of them wanted to become a good, but a bad, what they miss on face.
Petition for children
And now I must ask one last favor: when my kids get older, Athenians, castigadles, as I have throughout my life incordiado, if you think I care more about wealth or businesses seek virtue. And if you claim to be something, without being really, reprochádselo as I have complained, and exigidles to beware of what they should and do not give importance, when in fact worthless. If you do this, and I will have given them the treatment they deserve.
I have nothing more to say. Now is the time to go: I will die, you will live. Who will do better business, you or me? Dark thing is for everyone, except, perhaps, for the God.
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